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Why hire a copywriter

7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Copywriter

Effective copy isn’t as simple as putting your USP on paper. Here are 7 great reasons why hiring an in-house or freelance copywriter can help improve branding efforts and maximize your marketing ROI. 

What is a copywriter?

If I had a dollar for every time I told someone I was a copywriter and they thought I was in the business of protecting intellectual property, I’d have at least $20 extra dollars in my pocket. While not everyone knows what we do, nearly every business could benefit from hiring a copywriter to create polished content, ad copy, and more.

A business’s success isn’t defined by having the best product, though that’s part of the equation. It’s not even about selling for less than the competition. 

It’s about persuasion — and that’s where great copywriting comes in. 

Copywriters know how to appeal to people’s senses. Most of them have a background in marketing, so they understand consumer psychology. The great ones have top-tier spelling and grammatical talents, so everything we write elevates your brand’s professionalism, consistency, and tone. 

Why do people need copywriting?

Copywriters can handle everything from web copy to content like blogs, social media posts, Google Ads, and more. Virtually anywhere you see words, a copywriter can work their magic. 

Why should you hire a copywriter?

#1: Increased ROI & 6x Conversion Rate

Many business leaders try to DIY their marketing and copy efforts because it’s cheap and easy. But, your results tend only to be as good as the quality of your content. If a professional writer turns around a better Return on Investment than your DIY work, the cost of hiring a copywriter pays for itself several times over. 

According to the Content Marketing Institute, businesses that use professional content marketers see 6x better conversion rates. 

So, paying for professional help could drastically improve your revenue. 

And that’s not all — there are plenty of other great reasons to hire a copywriter so your business stands out and consumers better understand your brand. 

#2: The Art and Science of Persuasion

Copywriters understand the science of persuasion and understand how their words impact the user experience. We speak in the language of your customers and personalize messaging that appeals directly to them. 

We understand consumer psychology to appeal to the right senses. There’s a fine line between persuasive writing and cheesy, overused, or unethical practices. Great writers find that perfect balance to evoke emotion, bring people closer to your brand, and inspire them to action. 

#3: Saving Your Time and Resources

Your time as a business owner is precious and, as I’m sure you’re well aware already, incredibly limited. Between constantly putting out fires and pushing to grow your business, you have very little bandwidth left to manage the extras, like copywriting, yourself. 

Every ten minutes you spend on a task outside your expertise is ten minutes lost on value-adding activities that help your business grow. The results tend to slack from inexperienced marketing efforts, and a lack of expertise can draw out the process significantly.

Copywriters have written thousands of words for all sorts of business purposes. We know how to work efficiently and the approaches that tend to work best — we’ve tried and tested them ourselves. 

The most efficient and cheapest way to run a business while maximizing revenue is to hire in-house and outsourced experts who know how to work efficiently and produce big results. Cutting corners tends to cut revenue and leave you feeling frazzled as you try to do everything yourself. 

#4: Boosting Your Brand’s Image

Your brand image is one of the most critical influences on consumer buying decisions. People want to support brands that uphold their personal values, speak in their language, and work hard to understand and serve their specific pain points.

The average person isn’t a communication expert, so it can be a struggle to write copy that effectively appeals to users and elevates that brand perception. You need a copywriter to help build that voice, use a consistent tone, and resonate with people. 

So-so copy tends to fall flat. We can build engaging, professional copy that gives a powerful and consistent brand presence across channels so people understand who you are and why you matter to them. It’s all about setting those expectations so people want to buy from you and fulfilling them by building trust. 

#5: Driving Conversions and Sales

At all points in the sales funnel, you must be working to convince people to buy and invest a little bit of their precious money in your products. So, some level of risk comes with every purchase, because they’re left with less money to spend elsewhere. If you can’t write well to highlight product benefits and compel people to action, they’ll keep that cash in their pocket until they find an option that feels more reliable.

Copywriters know how to design email newsletters, drip campaigns, social posts, PPC ads, and site content to draw people in and build trust. After years of campaigns and experimentation, it becomes easier to see what works and what doesn’t. That expert copy guides your audience through the funnel to increase leads, sales, and conversions.

#6: SEO Optimization and Increased Visibility

Beyond copy that builds brand trust with consumers, our writing can also build trust with another big player: Google. 

Search engine optimization is a tricky art form rather than a science because what works for one brand radically differs from what works for another. Copywriters use experience and expertise to figure out what will work for you so you can gain authority and visibility on Google and other key search engines. 

We can incorporate keywords without chopping your content up into a cheap, awkward mishmash no one wants to read. Keywords should be used to help people find you and understand your content, so we use them to guide content creation and help Google make sense of your brand. 

Increased visibility helps you appear in more search results, which inevitably helps boost your organic traffic. Considering 89% of all internet traffic comes from Google, you can’t ignore how content marketing and professional copywriting fit into the equation. 

#7: Staying Ahead of the Competition

Even if you feel that your copy efforts are good enough to DIY, your competitors will invest in professional copy and create a competitive advantage. Copywriters keep up with industry and writing trends to develop a unique brand voice and stay ahead of your competitors. 

A freelance copywriter works outside your business, so we can learn about your brand and write content from a fresh perspective. Rather than using the same tired language and approaches, we can challenge the assumptions your in-house team might have and refine or redefine your messaging. 

Gillian Dewar: Reliable Copywriting in Toronto & Hamilton

After shining some light on some of the benefits of copywriting for business leaders, I’m happy to offer my services and get some of that copywriting magic working for you. I create on-brand, engaging copy that converts readers into real customers through newsletters, emails, landing pages, and more. Anywhere your words are needed—I’m there.

Contact me to chat about your writing needs and get started on your next project. 

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7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Copywriter
